Google Allows Developers to Answer User Comments in Play Store

From PC World: Google is adding the ability for developers to respond to reviews and comments posted about their apps on the Play app store, the company said in a blog post on Thursday.

Developers can use the new feature in the developer console to help confused users, or let them know when their feature requests have been implemented. When developers reply to a review, the user who wrote it will be told via email that the developer has responded, according to Google.

Developers can view data, including comments, about their applications in the Google Play Android Developer Console. Here developers can also sort comments based on language, rating, application version and device. In a new field in the console, developers can write and post their replies, according to a Google screenshot.

At first, the feature will only be available to developers with a Top Developer badge, according to Google. However, the company plans offer it to more Google Play developers in the future, it said.

It is a welcome addition, according to mobile developer Konrad Hübner.

"This is one of the biggest drawbacks of both Apple's AppStore and Google Play. There is no way to ask people what went wrong and really help them, unless you use custom feedback features in the app. So it is a great step taken by Google. Really, really nice and a win-win situation for both developers and users," said Hübner.

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