Samsung Admits to Tablet Market Failures

From DailyTech: Samsung isn't too proud to admit when it's not measuring up to the competition. At this year’s Mobile World Congress (MWC), Samsung touted its new Galaxy Note, but mentioned that the company isn't exactly thriving in the tablet arena.

MWC is the world's largest mobile exhibition in the industry. It features top tech executives as well as mobile operators, device manufacturers, vendors and technology providers. Tech companies are mainly there to show off their latest and greatest products, but Samsung injected a dose of honesty into its presentation.

"Honestly, we're not doing very well in the tablet market," said Hank Yoon, product strategy executive for Samsung.

Samsung has struggled trying to catch up with Apple's ever-popular iPad, which originally released back in April 2010. The iPad 2 followed in March 2011, and the iPad 3 will be introduced next Wednesday at an event in San Francisco, California.

But competition with Apple hasn't been Samsung's only problem. Being attacked by Apple with lawsuits is a whole different situation that started last April and continues today. Apple originally sued Samsung for patent infringement regarding devices like the Galaxy S 4G, pic 4G, Nexus smartphones and the Galaxy Tab 10.1. Apple managed to successfully ban the Galaxy Tab 10.1 in both Australia and Germany, but Samsung pulled a few punches of its own and lifted the ban in Australia last December.

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