Android Market Receives Adobe Touch Apps

From DailyTech: The Android Market has received six new Adobe Creative Suite-inspired tablet apps from Adobe Systems Incorporated today.

The six new apps include Adobe Photoshop Touch, Adobe Collage, Adobe Debut, Adobe Ideas, Adobe Kuler and Adobe Proto. They are specifically made for tablets, and allow users to tend to their creative needs.

Adobe Photoshop Touch offers core Photoshop features and a few new ones as well. Using finger gestures to navigate the app and transform images, users can use tools such as the Scribble Selection Tool, where the user simply removes objects in an image by scribbling on what to keep and what to extract.

Adobe Collage allows users to combine photos, drawings and text to create any collage they choose. As the collage expands, so does the digital canvas. Color schemes can be added to the collage as well.

Adobe Debut is more of a presentation app. Once a project is created in one of the other apps, it can be presented via Adobe Debut whether it's in a professional business meeting or just showing off to friends. It has a markup pen as well so that notes can be made during or after the presentation.

Adobe Ideas is a vector-based tool for drawing that allows the user to create smooth strokes using their stylus or finger. It's simply a blank canvas waiting for any drawings or image transformations you choose to create.

Adobe Kuler produces color themes that can be viewed or commented on, and later exported as color swatches for other Adobe projects.

Adobe Proto allows for the creation of website and mobile app prototypes that can be shared with creative teams, clients, etc. A user can create a design concept or website structure and demonstrate it by exporting it as HTML, CSS and Javascript, then sharing it in a popular browser for "immediate review."

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